Tilpassede presisjonsmaskinerte komponenter

HZW can produce custom precision machined components ranging from relatively simple designs to precision tolerance. Contact us to request a custom quote today.

Why Custom Precision Machined Components

When performing precision machining process, the manufacturer must not only meet the customer’s workpiece processing technical requirements and product performance, but also pay attention to the improvement of production efficiency and worker work efficiency.

Only in this way can we bring more economical and long-term effective services to our customers.

custom precision machined components

Impressions From HZW Custom Precision Machined Components

Custom Precision Machined Components Features: Styrke, Durability and High Precision

Your Reliable Custom Precision Machined Components Manufacturer From China

Tilpassede presisjonsmaskinerte komponenter: Den komplette guiden

When we choose to purchase custom precision machined components, det er noen viktige punkter vi må vite før vi setter i gang.

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What Are Custom Precision Machined Components Used For?

The custom precision machined components are mainly used in the following industries:

  1. Heat Exchanger Equipment
  2. Chemical Fertilizer Industry
  3. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
  4. Power Generation and Environmental Technologies
  5. Oil and Natural Gas LNG Industry
  6. Mechanical and Plant Engineering
  7. Construction and Ship Building
  8. Bilindustri
  9. Nuclear Power
  10. Instrumentation Tubing
  11. Pulp and Paper Make Industries
  12. Chemical Fiber
  13. Food processing industry Sanitary Tubes
  14. Environmental Protection Industry
  15. Aerospace And Defense Industry

How To Make Custom Precision Machined Components?

When it comes to custom precision machined components production, HZWs rike produksjonserfaring viser virkelig.

Let’s introduce how to make customized components here.custom precision machined components production process

The Common Materials In Custom Precision Machined Components

Rustfritt stålSS201, SS301, SS303, SS304, SS316L, SS416, SS2205, SS2507, SS904L osv
NikkellegeringLegering 400, K-500, 718, 625, 601, 600, 825, 800, 800H, 800HT, C22, C276, B, B2, B3, C4, C2000, G-35, 230, X750, 617, 925, GH2132, GH2747, GH3044, GH3030, GH3128, GH4033, GH4145, GH4169, GH4199, etc
MessingHPb63, HPb62, HPb61, HPb59, H59, H68, H80, H90, etc
KobberC11000, C12000, C12000, C36000, etc
AluminiumAL6061, AL6063, AL6082, AL7075, AL5052, A380, etc
TitaniumGr1, Gr2, Gr5, etc

custom precision machined components raw materials

What Is Custom Precision Machined Components Surface Treatment?

Custom precision machined components surface treatment er en av hoveddelene i hele produksjonen.

Ulik overflatefinish vil bli brukt til forskjellige bruksområder.

Med metoder inkludert anodisering, passivering, børsting, polering, svertet, plating, maleri, pulverlakkering, varmebehandling, overflatefosfatering, varmgalvanisering, overflatebehandling dacromet, etc.

How To Choose Your Custom Precision Machined Components Manufacturer In China?

HZW (Kinas ledende skreddersydde festeprodusent) har betjent de høye kravene til kunder fra mange bransjer siden 2002. Vi har et langsiktig forretningsforhold med mange formuer 500 selskaper, slik som ABB, SIEMENS, POSCO, MCC, HENGLI, og det er vårt mål å sikre at brukerens festeprosjekt går jevnere, trygt og effektivt.

Vår fabrikk leverer høykvalitets tilpassede presisjonsmaskinerte komponenter for globale brukere, vi aksepterer OEM og vi er en langsiktig og utnevnt leverandør for mange kjente merker.

Vårt ingeniørteam er dyktige på AUTO CAD, SMAK, SOLID WORKS og UG-programvare for din egendefinerte presisjonsmaskinerte komponentdesign og produksjon.

If you want to purchase custom precision machined components products, hvorfor ikke kontakt oss her for å spare tid og penger?


These above are only the common aspects for custom precision machined components design and production.

If designing and producing the custom precision machined components still seems overly complex, the best thing to do is consult an design and manufacturing expert.

HZW is one such specialist, with years of experience creating custom precision machined components for a range of customers. Contact our engineers today!


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