Komponen Dan Sumber Bahan Baku

Components Sourcing

HZW is more than just a leading custom fasteners and parts manufacturer but also a one-stop center for all your customized fasteners requirements, our services start from products consulting and design, components sourcing, precision manufacturing, components assembly Dan kemasan kustom to testing, all under one roof.

Avoid the hassle of component sourcing of your projects and focus on your design instead. We are committed to ensuring you receive the quality and value you’re looking for at prices you can afford.

Our team of experts will work with you to find the right metal and alloy materials, process, and other components manufacturers best suited to your project requirements. Contact us today to get your projects started.

components sourcing

Sumber Bahan

materials sourcing

HZW team can source the raw materials of metal and special alloys you need to complete your project. We pride ourselves on our rich industry experience and ability to seek out and procure high quality materials for our clients.

Whether you know what you need but can’t find it, or are unsure whether it even exists, we can help you. Our experts will find the best available raw materials for your project every time.

Di HZW, our supply chain management includes managing metal sourcing and mill origin capabilities from raw materials manufacturers to our own finished customized fasteners and machined parts.

We take care of your every order from China metal groups to international container shipments. Import from China? Not a problem here.

More Materials Resources

Check out below metal and alloy materials guides—it is helpful for beginner purchasing plans.

stainless steel materials for custom made fasteners production

Besi tahan karat

Baja tahan karat dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan struktur kristalnya. Ini termasuk austenitik, feritik, martensitik, dupleks dan super dupleks.

special nickel alloy materials for custom made fasteners production

Paduan Nikel Khusus

Bahan seperti: Paduan 400, K-500, 718, 625, 601, 600, 825, 800, 800H, 800HT, C22, C276, B, B2, B3, C4, C2000, G-35, 230, X750, 617, 925, seri GH.

titanium materials for custom made fasteners production


Pengencang titanium banyak digunakan di bidang khusus, seperti penukar panas, luar angkasa dan pertahanan, nuklir, energi dan sistem katup.

Paduan aluminium

Paduan aluminium adalah logam ringan dengan rasio kekuatan-terhadap-berat yang sangat baik, membuatnya ideal untuk aplikasi di mana kekuatan tingkat logam diperlukan tetapi massa masih menjadi perhatian.

brass materials for custom made fasteners production


Kuningan adalah paduan tembaga serbaguna yang mempertahankan beberapa manfaat tembaga murni tetapi juga meningkatkan beberapa atributnya. Kuningan adalah logam yang secara mekanis lebih kuat dan lebih rendah gesekan, dan menawarkan ketahanan korosi dan aus yang lebih baik daripada tembaga dasar.

copper materials for custom made fasteners production


Bahan tembaga terkenal dengan konduktivitas listrik dan termalnya. Ini sangat tahan terhadap korosi dan juga secara inheren antimikroba. Energi, otomotif, medis, dan industri kedirgantaraan menggunakan tembaga khusus untuk properti ini.

Tidak tahu bahan apa yang Anda cari? Kami akan sumbernya! Kirim permintaan penawaran Anda tentang materi kepada kami. Dan tim ahli kami akan dengan senang hati meninjau proyek tersebut.