
Custom Made Fasteners And Components Applications of Following Industries

We continue to supply high quality tilpassede festemidler og komponenter products to industries for:

  • Varmeveksler
  • Kjemisk gjødselindustri
  • Meieri og matforedling
  • Kraftverk
  • HVDC-systemer og anlegg
  • Tekstilmaskineri
  • Moderne arkitektur
  • Legemidler
  • Næringsmiddelindustrien
  • Vannbehandlingsanlegg
  • Syntetiske fibre
  • Masse- og papirprodusenter
  • Raffineri og petrokjemikalier
  • Presisjonsinstrumentering
  • Instrumentering og industriventiler
  • Væskerørsystemer
  • Kjernekraft
  • Bygningsinstallasjon
  • Mekanisk beslag tilkobling
  • Bygging av kjøretøy og skip
  • Broer, tunneler og jernbaner

Og så mye mer! From raw materials to custom made bots and nuts, threaded studs, machine screws, precision parts, flenser og rørdeler, her kan vi hjelpe deg med alle festeløsninger.

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Guides of Custom Made Fasteners And Components Applications

HZW is a global leader in custom made fasteners and components production for industries such as automotive, chemical, romfart og forsvar, oil and gas, instrumentation valves, precision electronics manufacturing or more. Visit our below guides for more applications details.

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What Are Fasteners?

Fasteners are a type of mechanical parts that are used for fastening connections, which are widely used in many fields.

It is widely used in various industries, and can be seen in various machinery, utstyr, kjøretøy, skip, jernbaner, broer, bygninger, strukturer, verktøy, instrumenter, kjemikalier, instruments and systems, etc.

Fasteners are the most widely used mechanical foundation parts.

Den er preget av en rekke spesifikasjoner, ulike ytelsesbruk, og en meget høy grad av standardisering, serialisering og generalisering.

Therefore, some people also refer to a type of fasteners with existing national standards as standard fasteners, or simply as standard parts.

What Are Custom Made Fasteners?

Custom made fasteners also called non-standard fasteners.

Som navnet tilsier, ikke har standarder, de er ikke-standarddeler og krever at kjøpere oppgir detaljerte tegninger.

For eksempel, DIN912, the Chinese name is hexagon socket head screw, which is the name of the product.

men, den mest nøyaktige måten er å kalle standarden, fordi GB70 også er det samme navnet, but there are many places where the two standards are inconsistent in size.

De mest innflytelsesrike standardene i verden er: Tysk standard (FRA), Internasjonal standard (ISO), Kinesisk nasjonal standard (GB), Amerikansk standard (ANSI), og japansk standard (HAN).

What Materials Can Be Used For Custom Made Fasteners?

Custom made fasteners can be divided into many categories according to its production raw materials: Stainless steel customized fasteners, nickel alloy customized fasteners, titanium customized fasteners, aluminum customized fasteners, copper and brass customized fasteners, etc.

From below list, you can learn which materials can be used to its production.

Rustfritt stålSS201, SS301, SS303, SS304, SS316L, SS416, SS2205, SS2507, SS904L osv
NikkellegeringLegering 400, K-500, 718, 625, 601, 600, 825, 800, 800H, 800HT, C22, C276, B, B2, B3, C4, C2000, G-35, 230, X750, 617, 925, GH2132, GH2747, GH3044, GH3030, GH3128, GH4033, GH4145, GH4169, GH4199, etc
MessingHPb63, HPb62, HPb61, HPb59, H59, H68, H80, H90, etc
KobberC11000, C12000, C12000, C36000, etc
AluminiumAL6061, AL6063, AL6082, AL7075, AL5052, A380, etc
TitaniumGr1, Gr2, Gr5, etc

What Are Custom Made Fasteners Surface Treatment?

Custom made fasteners surface treatment er en av hoveddelene i hele produksjonen.

Ulik overflatefinish vil bli brukt til forskjellige bruksområder.

Kunder kan velge tilsvarende overflatefinish i henhold til eget bruk.

Med metoder inkludert anodisering, passivering, børsting, polering, svertet, plating, maleri, pulverlakkering, varmebehandling, overflatefosfatering, varmgalvanisering, overflatebehandling dacromet, etc.

The Difference Between Custom Stainless Steel Fasteners And Non-standard Special Nickel Alloy Fasteners

1.The definitions are different:

Non-standard nickel alloy fasteners are special kind of stainless steel parts, which are high-alloy stainless steel fasteners containing high nickel, high chromium and high molybdenum.

Custom stainless steel fasteners are the abbreviation of stainless steel parts, and the types of them that are resistant to weak corrosive media such as air, steam, and water, or have rust properties.

2.Different Performance:

Non-standard nickel alloy fasteners have very good corrosion resistance.

Under the conditions of seawater, gass, crevices, and low-speed scouring, they have good pitting corrosion resistance and good stress corrosion resistance.

Custom stainless steel fasteners are substitute for Ni-based alloys and titanium alloys fasteners.

Types of Industry Where Custom Made Stainless Steel Bolts Are Used

The custom made stainless steel bolts are mainly used in the following industries:

  • Heat Exchanger Equipment
  • Chemical Fertilizer Industry
  • Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
  • Power Generation and Environmental Technologies
  • Oil and Natural Gas LNG Industry
  • Mechanical and Plant Engineering
  • Construction and Ship Building
  • Bilindustri
  • Nuclear Power
  • Instrumentation Tubing
  • Pulp and Paper Make Industries
  • Chemical Fiber
  • Food processing industry Sanitary Tubes
  • Environmental Protection Industry
  • Aerospace And Defense Industry

Types of Industry Where Custom Made Special Alloy Bolts Are Used

Custom made special alloy bolts are used in many fields, som for eksempel:

  1. hav: marine strukturer i det marine miljøet, avsalting av sjøvann, sjøvann akvakultur, sjøvann varmeveksling, etc.
  2. Miljøvern: røykgassavsvovlingsanordning for termisk kraftproduksjon, avløpsrensing, etc.
  3. Energi: atomkraftproduksjon, omfattende utnyttelse av kull, havstrømproduksjon, etc.
  4. Petrokjemisk: Oljeraffinering, kjemisk og kjemisk utstyr, etc.
  5. Mat industri: saltproduksjon, brygging av soyasaus, etc.

What Are Custom U Bolts Used For?

There are many types of bolts. Cylindrical bolts are common seen, but there are also many special-shaped bolts, such as custom U bolts.

U bolts are U-bolts in shape.

Both ends of the thread can be combined with nuts. They are mainly used for fixing pipes such as water pipes or automobile leaf springs.

The material properties, density, bending strength, impact toughness, compressive strength, elastic modulus, strekkstyrke, temperature resistance and color of the U-bolts are determined according to the use environment.

Custom U bolts are generally used in trucks to stabilize the chassis and frame of the car.

Custom U bolts have a wide range of uses, such as building installation, mechanical fittings connection, kjøretøy, skip, broer, tunnels, jernbaner, etc.

Custom U bolts are often seen in industrial and mining enterprises.

I tillegg, custom U bolts are one of the more widely used types of bolts in the minds of many of engineers.

What Are The Applications That Custom Made Brass Bolts Can Be Used?

Custom made brass bolts are defined as customized bolts made of brass (HPb63, HPb62, HPb61, HPb59, H59, H68, H80, H90, etc).

Custom made brass bolts have the advantages of not easy to rust, anti-corrosion, easy to conduct heat and strong electrical conductivity.

Custom made brass bolts are widely used in electronics, communications, HVDC systems, electrical appliances and other industries.

How To Choose Your China Custom Made Fasteners Manufacturer?

HZW er en av de ledende produsentene av spesialtilpassede festemidler og ikke-standard spesielle festemidler i Kina.

HZW tilbyr tilpassede produkter og produksjonstjenester av beste kvalitet for alle dine festeprosjekter.

Vårt firma går ikke på kompromiss med kvalitet. Vi bruker metall og spesiallegeringsmaterialer av førsteklasses kvalitet sammen med avansert utstyr og presisjonsproduksjonsprosesser.

Vi reviderer bestillingene og tar grundig innsikt før vi videresender bestillingen til den endelige produksjonslinjen. Dette sikrer at hver produksjon utføres på den mest effektive måten uten feil.

Våre profesjonelle teamingeniører kan hjelpe deg med å levere kundene våre raskt, klare og profesjonelle tekniske formater.

Vi kan også tilby disse tegningene i en rekke forskjellige typer for å passe dine behov, enten det er SLDPRT, dwg-format eller pdf-fil.

Hvis du ønsker å kjøpe tilpassede festemidler og ikke-standard spesielle festeprodukter, hvorfor ikke kontakte oss her for å spare tid og penger?

HZW will be your perfect choice when purchasing custom fasteners and non standard special fasteners from China markets.


As you have seen, custom made fasteners are widely used in various industries.

HZW (Kinas ledende skreddersydde festeprodusent) has been servicing the exacting demands of customers, eksport til Europa og USA, tilby konsultasjoner, analyse, design, kvalitetssikring og One-stop globale logistikktjenester.

Uansett størrelse, uansett hvilken stram toleranse for tilpassede festemidler du krever, metall eller spesielle legeringer, HZW her er sikker på å ha det!


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